We are looking to do some advanced validation in the receipts screens which requires us to iterate through the inventory items on the receipt screen and subsequently iterate through the lot records on the associated Lot/Serial screen. I can get the code to run through the inventory item lines, but when I pull the data for the Lot/Serial records, it is only pulling the most recent line item.
For example:
- Invt Item A
- Lot A123
- Lot A456
- Invt Item B
- Lot B123
- Lot B456
- Lot B789
Although I can iterate through and get 2 records out of the main grid handle (A/B), each iteration of the lot/serial records only provides me the lots associated with the last inventory item I opened the Lot/Serial screen on. If I were simply concatenating a message box it would look something like the following if I had opened inventory item B Lot/Serial last.
Not sure what I'm missing on how to move the memory buffer for the sub-screen.
Inventory Item A, Lot B123, Lot B456, Lot B789;
Inventory Item B, Lot B123, Lot B456, Lot B789;
GridHandle = GetGridHandle("Spread1") If GridHandle <> 0 Then Row = MGetRowNum(GridHandle) End If serr1 = MFirst(GridHandle, MaintFlag) While serr1 = 0 Call GetBufferValue("bpotran.InvtID", strInvtID) strMsg = strMsg & "Inventory Item " & strInvtID LS_GridHandle = GetGridHandle("LS_Spread2") If LS_GridHandle <> 0 Then Row2 = MGetRowNum(LS_GridHandle) End If serr2 = MFirst(LS_GridHandle, MaintFlag) While serr2 = 0 Call GetBufferValue("blotsert.LotSerNbr", theLot) strMsg = strMsg & ", Lot " & theLot" serr2 = MNext(LS_GridHandle, MaintFlag) Wend strMsg = strMsg & ";" & chr(10) serr1 = MNext(GridHandle, MaintFlag) Wend