Dear Experts-
My client would like to install Dynamics SL in a High Availability design on their servers. If you have had experience, would you mind answering the questions that I have?
Expected new setup for 2015 environment
SQL Server 2014 R2 basic failover clustering (dbprod1, dbprod2, cluster dbprod... and same setup for cluster dbqa)
Internal web servers for Management Reporter (intranet1, intranet2, using nlb with front-end "intranet"... and same setup for intranet-test nlb cluster)
Basic failover cluster for file server (fs1, fs2, cluster fs).
What exactly happens during a "Dynamics server install"? What gets installed where? Only files to the install directory or more (webapps)? Where do the Crystal Reports program files get installed to? Do we need to do separate installs for both clustered file servers?
How do the WebApps and WebServices work under the hood? Do they install a separate IIS instance from MR?
With MR, how do you get multiple production IIS servers to communicate to (one or more) MR databases on the (clustered) database?
Thanks for your help!
Serena Cyr