I'm trying to release an AP Batch, but I get this message in the log file created
GridRowInsert(Spread1, Row=1) '13:54:11
SetFocus(cCurrBatSelected) '13:54:11
SetFocus(cCurrBatSelected) '13:54:11
SetObjectValue(Control=cCurrBatSelected, Value='1', VALUE_CHANGED) '13:58:14
SetObjectValueExit(Control=cCurrBatSelected,Value='1', Retval=0) '13:58:14
ClickButton(cBegProcessing) '13:58:16
Mensaje Sistema 6124: Proceso iniciado: Tue Mar 20 01:58 P.M.
Module: 'AP'
Batch: '052067'
Procesando: Module: 'AP' , Batch: '052067'
An unexpected error has occurred while releasing batch '052067' . Please contact Microsoft Support for assistance with this batch. Release has been cancelled.
GridRowInsert(Spread1, Row=1) '13:58:17
Mensaje Sistema 6125: Proceso terminado: Tue Mar 20 01:58 P.M.
I've executed an APSQLDebug.sql script but I don't see nothing wrong