** our current SL version is 2015CU1.
There is an inventory item that has total q'ty =857.
Under the Inventory Status Inquiry screen:
1) Location screen(10.220.01) shows bin location J06A3 has On Hand= Available Q'ty=140; E47K1 has On Hand=Available Q'ty=717. But
2)Lot/Serial screen (10.229.00) : Bin location J06A3 has On Hand=IN Allocation=140,Available q'ty=0; E47K1 has Available q'ty=On Hand=717.
Apparently, location J06A3 Available Q'ty on the lot/serial screen is not right which causes our user getting a system message 6850:
Quantity remaining form lot/serial assignment-transaction quantity will be changed to match' when he processes a Issue batch.
Run a IN transaction report for this inventory ID> batch release=0 > no data... so there is no batch has not been released yet.
There's a transaction that was made back in 2016 in the LotSerMst table. The record shows 140 in the 'QtyAllocIN' field and 0 in the 'QtyAvail' field.
should I run a script to update these 2 fields to be 0 in the 'QtyAllocIN' fieldand 140 in the 'QtyAvail' field ? or
any other solution that can correct the problem?