System Message 6124: Process started: Fri Sep 21 03:00 P.M.
Processing: Batch: 290039
Quantity on hand or total cost for item '3P03014100324400048720' in site 'ROOFING' will go negative. The batch will not be released.
Processing: Batch: 290039
Error occurred in Batch 290039, InTran record 1316055 while executing the following procedure: SCMINTran - CalculateCost(#7)
Processing: Batch: 290039
Error occurred in Batch 290039, InTran record 1316055 while executing the following procedure: SCMINTran - Decrease_Inventory(#5)
Processing: Batch: 290039
Error occurred in Batch 290039, InTran record 1316055 while executing the following procedure: SCMINTran - Transfer(#17)
Processing: Batch: 290039
Error occurred in Batch 290039, InTran record 1316055 while executing the following procedure: SCMINTran - ReleaseTran(#12)
Processing: Batch: 290039
Error occurred in Batch 290039 while executing the following procedure: SCMBatch - ReleaseBatch(#2)
Processing: Batch: 290039
System Message 838: not released - it has been put on hold.
System Message 6125: Process ended: Fri Sep 21 03:00 P.M.
System Message 6124: