I've searched 10 pages deep into the forums and can't find anything like this, so please forgive me if it's been asked before.
I have received a check from a customer who long ago thought his payment would be the same each month, but unfortunately this isn't the case. As a result of this being ongoing for several months, he has an outstanding balance on a current invoice, and an invoice for the next period.
I received his check and need to use part of it to pay for the balance of the current invoice, then book the remainder as the prepayment (to be applied once we're in the next period).
I know I can use the Payment Entry screen to book payments and prepayments, but it looks like I can only do 1 at a time. Will I need to enter the check as 2 separate reference items in order to split it between current and future within the same batch? I guess this is what I'm thinking will need to happen, but I want to make sure there's not a simpler way to do it:
- Check #123 for $2,000.00 is to be put against the following: Inv ABC for $500.00 (current period) and Inv DEF for $1,500.00 (future period)
- Ref #1 to be Payment from check #123a for $500.00 (then applied to Inv ABC in Payment Application screen immediately after)
- Ref #2 to be Prepayment from check #123b for $1,500.00 (won't be applied to Inv DEF until we're in the next period)
In an ideal world, I'd like to be able to enter check #123 once (no "a" and "b") and break it down between the 2 places in 1 reference number (like how you can break a check down to pay multiple open invoices at once on the Payment Application screen), but I'm not seeing a way to do that. (And I'll definitely be addressing the payment amounts with the customer so he knows to wait for his invoices to pay the correct amount.)
Thanks in advance for any advice!