All of a sudden; users complained about Quick Send not sending emails. Come to find out there was a type error in one of the SQL procedures that updates the ar08600_wrk table. Initially in the procedure input parameter ASID was smallint but had to change it to int because the column type itself was int and the ASID was going over 37562 which is the max value for smallint
This fixed the issue with email sending; but now the reports are blank. Report template is fine because it was working until the ASID went over max value for smallint.
I believe I found out what the issue is but don’t know really how to correct it. New ARdoc transactions( sql table) seem to have an ASID value of 0. But looking at the logs when it tries to send a statement; it’s using a where clause for an ASID that is not there in the ar08600 table.
Any suggestions?