In the web app "Timecard Entry (MD.TMT.CE)" the description cannot be entered or changed. The Timecard header Description field is visible on the URL ending with ProjectTimecard/PeriodEntrySave. When a description is entered for the first time or changed the error message in the subject appears. The timecard can be saved with a blank description. If le_id02 is modified in the database it shows up in the description and the timecard can be saved so long as it has not been changed (for example, if the user changes the description to make the Save button visible, then changes it back), but it cannot be saved if the description is changed. This view (PeriodEntryHeader.vbhtml) is not modified, nor is any underlying logic. The hotfix installed is 38053, which is the current hotfix as of this post. This message does not appear for the web apps installed in the demo database. The error message seems to come from the javascript "ValidateDescription" method.
Any suggestions to help resolve this are appreciated. Entering the header description (for le_id02) is a requirement.
Delmer Johnson