Approver has multiple timecards awaiting approval and approves them all (an example provided was approving four of four timecards). After clicking the "Commit" button, the message "Employee 0001234 does not have rights to view document number 0000138830" appeared and no timecards were approved. The approver is not employee 0001234 and has rights to approve that timecard, the first in the list. Document number 0000138830 is the second timecard in the list and is for a different employee. The message is correct, in that the first employee does not have rights to view the timecard for the second employee, however the approver has rights to view and approve them both. The validation here should be regarding the approver's rights, not the rights of the employee who created the first timecard.
Web Apps Hotfix 092016 (the latest hotfix as of this writing) is installed and no code has been modified for this app.
It is possible to approve the four timecards one-at-a-time, but the web app looks like it should allow the approver to approve multiple timecards, then click the Commit button to approve them all. Is there a way to allow the current hotfix to do that?