We have customized the Customer maintenance screen which is not working with 2018. Apparently 2018 already has an update1 procedure.
Here is our old code
Private Sub Update1_OnUpdate(Level As Integer, InsertFlg As Integer, retval As Integer)
Dim bxCFCustomerEx_temp As xCFCustomerEx
If Level = 32001 Then
holdIRN = ""
If Trim(bxCFCustomerEx.ImageRefNbr) = "" Or Trim(bxCFCustomerEx.ImageRefNbr) = "<NEW>" Then
holdIRN = GetNextImageRefNbr()
End If
End If
If Level = LEVEL0 Then
If holdIRN <> "" Then
bxCFCustomerEx.ImageRefNbr = holdIRN
Call DispFields("Form1", "xImageRefNbr")
End If
If CFCMSCustomerEXFound Then
Call SUpdate1(csr_xCFCustomerEx, "xCFCustomerEx", bxCFCustomerEx, LenB(bxCFCustomerEx))
Call SInsert1(csr_xCFCustomerEx, "xCFCustomerEx", bxCFCustomerEx, LenB(bxCFCustomerEx))
End If
End If
End Sub
I created a button to save the user's input and copied the above code to the button click(). No I get this error
What do I have to change to get this button to work?